Apr 11, 2017
This is a short story that I had to write for my Creative Writing class. I had a word limit, so I tried to fit as much of the story as I...
Apr 10, 2017
5 Struggles Only Potterheads Will Understand
"Harry Potter" is one of the most popular book series of all time, not to mention the movies. As I am a huge Potterhead, my life revolves...
Apr 8, 2017
Are selfless deeds really selfless?
Friends has always been an easy going, funny show but there was this one episode that really made me think. It was a comment that Joey...
Nov 11, 2016
Panic Ataack!!! :0
I had only heard the words panic attack when I was younger, but as I grew up, people I knew started complaining of having anxiety or...
Apr 13, 2016
The Secret To Happiness, From The Happiest Country On Earth
“What’s the secret to your happiness?” the elderly lady asked. Her lips curved into a smile, and I thought for a second that she was...