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2020: The year of perfect vision

Get it? 2020? It’s like 20/20, the perfect vision? Okay, lame jokes aside, it’s that time of the year where I look back on the past year and try to come up with resolutions for the coming year. I added that “perfect vision” shit mostly because I love puns but also because that kind of relates to my plans for 2020. Although it’s quite ironic coming from a person with pretty bad eyesight, I’m really trying to perfect my vision in life. I need to understand where my passion lies, what I see for myself in the future, and what kind of a person I want to be.

2020 will be my first year in service, my first full time job. Doing well in my academics and my career means a lot to me. I derive happiness from my work and success. Other people might not share the same priorities that I do and that’s completely okay. However, my priorities are based on my values and what mean the most to me. I promised myself to work hard especially professionally. I think that if I put in the most effort during my first year, I can maintain that discipline and hard work throughout my work life. On the other hand, if I do lag behind, that will be the case throughout my life.

Throughout my life, there have always been tests or exams to study for or that gives me validation. As an adult, there aren’t many things like that to keep you in check. Hence, it is my job to stay on my toes and constantly having to remind myself of my priorities.

Another goal of mine is to develop healthy habits. Waking up early, working out, eating healthy, and reading consistently. There has been many a time when I tried to start these healthy habits but failed after a week or so. But as I grow older, I am realizing how I need focus more on being healthy. A healthy body makes a healthy mind and that can help me do better work. Although 2019 was a great year of personal growth, it did not do much for my health. I was in college and back on my freshman diet but without that teenage metabolism. So basically, I need to be more aware of what I put into my body and be more of an adult.

Other than that, I plan on learning with an open mind. I should not be shy to say that I do not know something. Instead, I should work harder to learn new things. I need to use my time productively. Reading articles that are about education, watching the news, these are habits I need to pick up on even though it might seem boring. I should also keep time aside to watch cheesy rom-coms and read teenage fiction without feeling guilty.

As I grow older, I realize that our social groups become smaller yet with deeper connections. I shall be grateful for the people I have around me and try to show my appreciation. I have also realized that there will always be expectations of me and disappointment if I don’t reach those expectations. Although it will be hard, I will try not to let these affect me or my work unless it helps to push me harder.

I also plan to make myself a little bullet journal to plan things and also to put things into perspective. I also need to declutter my closet, my laptop, and basically my life. Putting aside the “new year, new me” shit, I really just want to start my adult life with a clean slate.

Although I am excited, I am quite apprehensive starting my career. I’m worried about whether I will be able to enjoy my work, whether my hard work will pay off and if I will be able to make a difference in my students’ lives. I don’t know if I might or might not regret my choices a few years along the line. Well, there isn’t much I can do except try my best.


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